9th June 2023
You now move your tasks between power goals and delete them
7th June 2023
You can now delete your power goals
5th June 2023
Leaving the page in the middle of a session now shows an alert.
Bug fix where logged-in users don’t see their username immediately
28th May 2023
Daily analytics are moved into the respective month’s view
Layout changes
Weekly and Monthly emails now work as expected
27th May 2023
Significant UI improvements to tasks
Badges for successfully completed challenges will show up on the user’s summary page
21st May 2023
Better integration with Firebase Analytics
20th May 2023
Users can now keep going once you complete a session
9th May 2023
Removed the ability for unregistered users to access the site. The reasoning for this is posted here:
7th May 2023
Homepage redesign
Power Goals (also called as Wildy Important Goals in the deep work community) are now available!
Impromptu tasks created are now remembered as individual tasks
16th April 2023
Many significant improvements
Google Login is now supported. Over the weekend, Twitter login was facing issues (due to recent API changes thanks to Elon). This forced me to prioritize the long pending Google login, and it's now live!
The overall look and feel of the site has improved significantly.
Post login, the user is automatically redirected from the login page to the preferences page. An onboarding page is long overdue!
You can now change your username!
7th April 2023
Fixed a nasty bug related to saving sessions (lost 2 sessions before I noticed that!)
The landing page automatically takes you to the dashboard if you’re logged in
Better left and right padding on the landing page
Behind the scenes, the data is migrated to firestore. This should set us up for the foreseeable future.
1st April 2023
The summary is now available on a publicly accessible API
Fixed a bug in how dates are computed
Fixed a nasty bug where the old preferences are deleted on logging in
25th March 2023
Accomplishments are here! Now you will be guided to bigger milestones and achievements through badges.
15th March 2023
You can now save sessions even if you've not completed the level, as long as you have completed a lower level. This should reduce the pain of losing the entire 2 hours session when you have to step away at 1.5 hours. Now you'll only lose 0.5 hours of time.
12th March 2023
Major UI overhaul
There's a new and shiny landing page now
Challenges have been moved to their own tab in the home
Analytics are only shown for logged-in users
Clean up on the summary page
9th February 2023
Application will show you the goal completion circles on your scoreboard and also added spinners to dashboard and user profile
8th February 2023
Application will show you the goal completion circles for the last 7 days on Homepage
7th February 2023
Now the application remembers when the goals are updated, so with that we can give historical completions
5th February 2023
Toggl integration! I track my time religiously, and I want these sessions to get synced to Toggl.
You should notice loaders on various pages now. More feedback on what's happening behind the scenes.
28th January 2023
Now you can choose to get notified once the session completes, and also this page is also better formatted now
27th January 2023
Implemented the rings interface on homepage
Removed the challenges in terms of sessions
Progress shows up after a session as well now
22nd January 2023
Implemented challenges, so now you can take up a weekly challenge either in terms of hours, or in terms of sessions
20th January 2023
Changed the default rating to 3 (okay)
17th January 2023
Fixed a bug where double values show up with a huge precision on the landing page. Also, created a changelog page.
16th January 2023
Users can rate their sessions once they are completed and also removed twitter sharing. No one was sharing on twitter anyway.
12th January 2023
Changed the email criteria to send emails to folks who have completed at least one session in the last 28 days, rather than spamming everyone, and also consider the settings on the profile page.
7th January 2023
Redesigned the login page
4th January 2023
Reduced the size of the timer
3rd January 2023
Some Apple users were facing a problem signing in. So, sign in is now based on popup rather than redirect.